By your logic, we should never allow any private-sector business to build or expand unless it can guarantee that it will keep building and expanding so that the people building it have "permanent" jobs.
The key to getting our economy back on track and getting Americans back to work is finding ways to help private-sector businesses thrive.
They have made it a huge, successful private-sector business.
Public dollars are being used as corporate welfare to subsidize a private-sector business, and the only real beneficiaries are team owners and players.
Chester City Council, together with private-sector businesses, had put together a bid for the centralised centre which would have cost the Government nothing.
The Pakistan Business Council (PBC) is a business policy advocacy platform, established in 2005 by 14 of Pakistan's (now 42) largest private-sector businesses / conglomerates, including multinationals.
"The only source of our wealth is going to be private-sector business because we cannot count on Washington to bail us out as they did in the old days," he said at a news conference.
The President has decided to bypass Congress to continue his agenda of more government interference in private-sector business.
Yet many established black contractors, architects and engineers still find it difficult to win private-sector business, making them heavily dependent on government joint ventures.
And the Desktop IV experience may even offer some lessons for private-sector businesses.