The region offers great opportunity for partnerships with corporate research entities and close proximity to government agencies and other public and private-sector organizations.
Access support services for exporters from public- and private-sector organisations, from setting up through to legal and financial guidance.
Most records stored by companies and other private-sector organizations are not covered by existing laws.
While many exchange programs are funded by the government, many others are private-sector organizations, either non-profit or for-profit.
This concept of decentralizing authority and then holding those autonomous managers' feet to the fire is really the way private-sector organizations run.
There are a number of private-sector organizations who also work to make their communities safer, and the Department works with them to further their joint missions.
But, facing growing criticism from both private-sector organizations and the labor movement, there have been rumors that he may soon be replaced.
In addition, the Council also employs guest workers from universities, companies, and public and private-sector organizations.
We need to work with private-sector organisations, and we need civil society watchdogs.
Beyond governmental registration, certain private-sector professional/industrial organizations also offer certifications with varying degrees of prominence.