The V&A theatre archive has a copy of a film of the production which can be privately viewed.
Mr. Clinton's aides, who have privately viewed the sedate pace of the Pennsylvania primary contest with some nervous suspicion, said this week that Mr. Clinton is nearly returning to the game plan that was sidetracked in New Hampshire by the first reports on the Arkansas Governor's personal life.
Masa-chusa and Rodiren were, in a sense, hostile territory, where the Herald was publicly received with the appropriate pomp and ceremony and privately viewed as a spy-master and agent provocateur.
"The Passion," which elicited strong emotional reactions among many viewers, can now be viewed privately at home, which Mr. Chrzan said would "attract a lot more attention with the curious."
The chance of a runoff was privately viewed by the Clinton administration and the Organization of American States as the best possible outcome to assure the political standing and economic stability of a country that has been a key American ally in combating the drug trade in Latin America.
Before "Deep Throat," pornographic films were limited mostly to 10-minute "loops," which were viewed privately in the back rooms of adult bookstores or at small clubs.
The judge rejected the government's assertion that continuing suppression of the name of the recipient was necessary to protect the investigation, after having privately viewed classified information supplied by the government about the investigation without the plaintiff's lawyers present.
The recently rediscovered three-hour video can be viewed privately on request at the Museum of Television & Radio's branches in Manhattan and Beverly Hills.
Talent unions were highly suspicious of the threat to new work if programmes were repeated; indeed, before 1955 Equity insisted that any telerecording made (of a repeat performance) could only "be viewed privately" on BBC premises and not transmitted.
A copy was placed in the video library at the Lincoln Center Theater Collection, where it could be viewed privately by scholars.