This is a complaint that other players have voiced privately.
Deep down, every contributing player privately voiced that sentiment last season.
Some in the industry have privately voiced fears that he would use such a threat to try to become a de facto rule maker.
But some Congressional officials privately voiced discomfort that civilians could be detailed to such a delicate mission.
American officials privately voiced misgivings over competing American priorities there.
The frustration had been voiced privately up the chain of command by a number of officers, and broke into public debate in recent days.
Outram having privately voiced his disquiet, Fulton's plans were quietly dropped.
Many representatives privately voiced outrage over the effrontery of Talleyrand and his agents.
Steinbrenner might have already moved in this manner by privately voicing his disapproval with Kleinman to some limited partners.
While some members of both parties have expressed support for such an effort, other lawmakers have privately voiced some distress at the proposal.