Nearly 90 percent of his speech is about postal privatization issues.
"I believe strongly in the whole privatization issue," he said, "and the fact that the Government doesn't implement it efficiently doesn't make me believe it less."
"The privatization issue is a real bad idea - all you have to do is look at the stock market over the last month," Ms. Ferraro said.
The whole idea behide the privatization issue is that the new provider will be able to provide the same service but at a reduce cost to the public.
Ms. Eddington said it was telling that Mr. Kessel had raised the privatization issue at such a moment.
The privatization issue has not drawn opposition from the teachers' union.
Angry Reaction Labor leaders reacted angrily to Mr. Dinkins's decision on the privatization issue, saying he had betrayed his oldest political allies.
Some of the early privatization issues such as Britoil and Cable and Wireless were tender issues, but since 1983 this practice has been discontinued.
In what ways did the British Steel offer differ from other privatization issues?
This is not uncommon and it has occurred with many of the privatization issues in the equity market.