All day long, while you are chopping wood in the forest, I shall be able to amuse myself in my own way - a privilege few wives enjoy.
But whatever the outcome, the tiff has served to highlight the power and privileges enjoyed by the heirs of creative artists.
This picturesque privilege the family enjoyed till the end of the Holy Roman Empire.
My status as a "hero" carries privileges a "civilian young bachelor" cannot enjoy; the mores relax a bit in wartime, and I'll be able to spend time with them.
The school's principal negotiated an adroit compromise in which the performance was allowed in the classroom, to give children an opportunity to perform and parents their privilege to enjoy.
Production grew and tea became increasingly accessible, though still a privilege enjoyed mostly by the upper classes.
It prides itself on its one-to-one teaching: a privilege enjoyed by students at Oxbridge and few other places.
There was opposition in laying the dome - a privilege enjoyed by the temples - so Zamorin gave speed permission to lay the domes and the minaret.
This privilege his successors in the office of Lord Advocate have ever since enjoyed, though it is now in danger of being lost through desuetude.
If it were the case that privileges or immunities enjoyed by Members of this House were being ignored by a Member State that would be a serious matter.