Volunteering is a great way of gaining a rare and privileged insight into another world, one beyond the irresistible lure of unspoilt beaches, palm trees and balmy evenings.
Reading through those comments gave me a privileged insight into how the teaching profession views itself - distressing at times but amazingly uplifting at others.
Norway recently got the ears of European countries to which it exports seafood, he said, because Norway had privileged insight into elections in Africa that those countries wanted to monitor.
With no privileged insight into the structure of belief and no privileged realm of truths of meaning, we have, instead, knowledge as those beliefs that pay their way.
Intermingled with these are sheets and studies that, though "minor," give us a privileged insight into the intimate workings of the royal houses.
His ancestral background affords him a privileged insight into European culture and heritage.
As a Member of Parliament I get a privileged insight into this work.
And as a noted translator from the French, Mr. Merwin enjoys privileged insight into a culture he has intermittently adopted as his own.
His or her belief, as we have defined it, does not rest upon privileged insight into a supernatural reality hidden from the unbeliever.
It is particularly important that we take advantage of your privileged insight into what is really happening on the ground.