Ms. Gubernick examines his decline from privileged youth to drug-addicted dissolute.
If the privileged youth feel this way, can't Anderson imagine the desperation and hatred that fill the young villagers, who outnumber the more fortunate?
In the first, the capital's privileged youth were educated in exclusive splendour.
But with all the suffering in this world, I wouldn't shed too many tears for those who had privileged youths.
Clarissa muses about her privileged youth, and the accommodations she has made to her husband.
She found many of the players difficult and untalented compared to those she had known in her privileged youth.
"A country will not accept long-term casualties unless privileged youths are putting their lives on the line," he said.
"If you have privileged youth, then the people feel the cause must be legitimate."
She has an unusual ability to regard her privileged youth and Hollywood fame with a writer's detachment and a native skepticism.
This is due to the availability of internet access amongst more privileged youth.