Ms. Sale said that a work permit was a prize sought by fraudulent asylum-seekers and that delaying the permit would deter the fraud.
The largest vacant site left in New York City, it is a prize sought by some of the city's largest developers, as well as by a nonprofit group advocating working-class housing.
The heart device division, based in Minneapolis, was also the prize sought by Johnson & Johnson; in 2004, the division accounted for about half of Guidant's $3.8 billion in sales.
The factionalism has reached its most dangerous proportions in the capital of the north, Mazar-i-Sharif, the main prize sought by Generals Dostum and Muhammad.
Getting 1988 as the last digits of telephone numbers was a prize sought by almost every campaign office setting up headquarters in Washington.
Despite its relatively modern origin, Tokmak stands in the middle of the Chuy Valley, which was a prize sought by many medieval conquerors.
Those four digits were the prize sought by almost every campaign office setting up quarters in Washington.
Since time immemorial, Cyprus has been a prize sought by contesting nations, empires and religions.
It is a prize sought by many entrepreneurs despite the obstacles involved in creating uniform standards to link a host of consumer electronics.
The rhinos' horns are a valuable prize, sought after in Asia for their medicinal value, and in the Middle East, where they are carved into dagger handles.