The two more ambitious newcomers played only a few pro matches and never returned to the professional field.
In 1989, Steve Austin was one of Adams' students, and within five months, he wrestled his first pro match at the Sportatorium.
While the team won 2, tied 1, and lost 12 pro matches, he was a catcher and shortstop.
On October 5, she was defeated by Kaitlyn in a rookie versus pro match.
Since the start of his Career has participated in over 3,000 pro wrestling matches.
While the team won 2, tied 1, and lost 12 pro matches, he was one of the second basemen.
Agassi, a month from his 32nd birthday, won his first pro match in 1987.
While the team won 2, tied 1, and lost 12 pro matches, he was the regular pitcher.
On 28 September he played his first pro match, and got into the finals of the doubles future tournament in Japan.
There were always people willing to believe that our pro matches weren't strictly on the level, that they were just exhibitions.