"He had a tough day, but he'll fight through it," the 12-year pro said.
The pros say that a 5 percent profit on investment at the track constitutes an outstanding year.
Here is a list of what the pros say investors have a right to expect: * Honesty.
"I asked if I could've done anything else," the old pro was saying now at his locker.
The primary reason for that, most pros say, is the course's difficulty, and it makes them begin to think about par as a good score.
The pros say most adults need seven to eight hours every night.
The pros say they have no desire to raid the colleges.
The pro said he had seen them in against the wall in back.
In either case, the pros said, look for one that is lightweight and has a solid, maneuverable head.
"We were hitting some balls, and the pro said, 'How long you been playing?' "