The Montoneros initiated a campaign to destabilize by force what they deemed a pro-American regime.
Saudi Arabia is a country getting younger, poorer, more Islamic and more anti-American - as young Saudis react against what they consider a corrupt, irreligious, pro-American regime.
Following the Communist victory over the pro-American regime in 1975, Phat was named president of the short-lived Republic of South Vietnam.
- Conservative party politicians promised before the election that they would run a "pro-American regime" and buy more arms from the US if they came to power.
Third, a new, pro-Western, pro-American oil-producing regime in Baghdad could mean a dramatic shake-up of the internal politics and practices of OPEC.
In Japan, we created a pro-American single-party regime not so different from the Soviet satellites, and it is still in power.
Nor can we be sure that democracy, in Iraq or elsewhere, will lead to pro-American regimes; it might lead to the opposite.
It was this suspicion that led to American intervention in the Republic of Guatemala in 1954, and the establishment of a pro-American regime there (p. 140).
The pro-American but unpopular regimes in Iran and Guatemala that Dulles had helped put in place were widely regarded as brutal and corrupt.