India's pro-Arab policy had mixed success.
In addition, Western Europe and Japan began switching from pro-Israel to more pro-Arab policies.
After the oil crisis of 1973, France had changed to a more pro-Arab policy and was accordingly rewarded by Saddam with closer ties.
However, in a letter to Mussolini, Jabotinsky attempted to win his support for the Zionist cause by arguing that for cultural reasons Italy's pro-Arab policy was misguided.
He also was "deeply involved" in a campaign to burn Standard Oil credit cards after the company sent a letter to 300,000 stockholders that appeared to support a pro-Arab Middle East policy.
Nehru had already been excluded, and Einstein, honorary president, had resigned because of "disagreements with the pro-Arab policy of the League in Palestine."
There was a perception that France's pro-Arab policy would protect us.
Therefore, he had "instituted a policy of partiality to the Arab cause," which, Luce said, explained why his reporter on the scene had been "pursuing a pro-Arab policy."
Sadat discussed the possibility of using oil as an economic weapon to pressure Western governments into adopting more pro-Arab policies.
Japan has cautiously begun to expand its diplomatic and economic ties to Israel after years of keeping that country at arm's length and following strict pro-Arab policies.