Sheik Fadlallah is spiritual guide to the pro-Iranian Party of God.
One of the pro-Iranian Party of God guerrillas was killed in the operation.
Israeli jets destroyed a base in southern Lebanon today that belonged to the pro-Iranian Party of God.
They had never been to a Muslim area, let alone one where the strongest group in place was the fundamentalist and pro-Iranian Party of God.
He disappeared in May 1985, and his mother says she believes he is being held by the pro-Iranian Party of God.
The rest, apparently members of the pro-Iranian Party of God, preferred to stay in the zone, security officials said.
It was the second attack against the pro-Iranian Party of God forces in three weeks.
Military commanders have blamed the pro-Iranian Party of God movement for the rocket attacks.
The area is a stronghold for the pro-Iranian the Party of God.
Muslim gunmen, including those of the pro-Iranian Party of God, have already left the city.