The pro-Israel community would not want a gutting of the sanctions.
"They are shifting the center of gravity in the pro-Israel community to become a more conservative and Republican phenomenon."
He was heavily criticized by the Jewish and pro-Israel community, a large part of his constituency.
The pro-Israel community is divided as never before over the Israeli Government's policies.
Security for Israel For decades, Ted has worked with the pro-Israel community to defend Israel's right to defend itself in a hostile region.
However, their voices are usually left unreported, and Jews are usually presented as an unquestioning pro-Israel political community.
A member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee and a lifelong activist in the pro-Israel community, Ted is an established leader on Iran's illicit nuclear weapons program.
That is why he is incredibly important to the pro-Israel community.
"They Don't Speak For Us" describes the ECI as "just plain out of touch" and "far outside the mainstream" of the pro-Israel Jewish community.
The meeting was controversial in the pro-Israel community.