The Senator also received substantial amounts of money from environmental groups and pro-Israel organizations.
HonestReporting (also Honest Reporting or is a pro-Israel, non-governmental organization that monitors the media for what it perceives as bias against Israel.
The tool has similarly been praised by a number of pro-Israel organizations for helping to fight what they perceive to be anti-Israel media bias.
These tactics of intimidation are becoming an all too common refrain of pro-Israel organizations, and are simply designed to stem the growing public awareness of Israel's apartheid policies.
Representatives of pro-Israel organizations have criticized the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs as being aligned with the Arab lobby and as "anti-Israel".
It is the largest pro-Israel organization in the United States.
It is unfair to link Judaism, a religion, with a pro-Israel political organization.
According to Clarion Fund's incorporation papers, it is based at the same address as Aish Hatorah, a pro-Israel organization.
He was listed in it as an official with "close ties to Israel or to prominent pro-Israel organizations."
J Street describes itself as a pro-Israel organization, which supports peace between Israel and its neighbors.