Shepherd believes he lost his job at Chatham House due to him expressing a pro-Israel position.
Kirkus Reviews is similarly critical, noting that although the authors had done extensive archival research "their book is not a piece of sophisticated scholarship" and takes "reflexively pro-Israel positions".
Three aides under him who were identified with the pro-peace-plan position have recently resigned leading to speculation in the administration that their departure had cemented Mr. Bush's basic pro-Israel position.
After the reports were confirmed last week, Al Madina, a Saudi newspaper, said the Washington Post article "constitutes indirect Zionist blackmail" to force America into pro-Israel positions.
Known for his pro-Israel positions, in his book The Secret Knowledge he states that "Israelis would like to live in peace within their borders; the Arabs would like to kill them all".
However, in 2000, he denounced Hezbollah's "terrorist attacks against Israeli soldiers and civilian populations", a position markedly more pro-Israel than that of president Chirac.
Connolly has a blog promoting libertarian and pro-Israel positions, under the title "Cranky Notions" (formerly "The System Works").
A strong point of contention among the German Left is its pro-Israel position.
But their activities often generate support among candidates for the pro-Israel positions advocated by Aipac.
For members of Congress a strong pro-Israel position offers low political risk.