Mr. Schwarzenegger is pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-gun control, pro-green.
After stating her support for Paul, she came under fire on Twitter, due to her pro-gay rights views.
Pirro is pro-death penalty, but also pro-choice and pro-gay rights.
"The Republicans picked the wrong candidate: He's pro-abortion, pro-gay rights and has a tax-and-spend record in the Assembly," she says.
"They are not going to have a Republican Party nominee who is pro-choice, pro-gay rights, pro-environmental protection."
Yes, sort of: "I've always been pro-choice, pro-gay rights, in favor of gun control, against the death penalty.
Lastaysha Myers, a friend and supporter of Mathewson, was later suspended for wearing pro-gay rights shirts on several occasions.
Wasserman Schultz is pro-choice, pro-gun control and pro-gay rights.
The party of working-class Catholics is almost 100 percent "pro-choice" and pro-gay rights.
I'm with you on most social issues: pro-choice, obviously pro-First Amendment, pro-gay rights, etc.