His choice was blocked by the pro-government Unionist newspaper which paid his fine for him.
The Government has said it does not have enough paper to distribute, but both pro-Government newspapers appeared as usual today.
A pro-Government newspaper here reported today that the national state of emergency, now nine months old, might continue for two or three years more.
It has been described as a "major pro-government newspaper".
The two pro-Government newspapers reported Sandinista victories, as they do after every armed clash.
A pro-Government newspaper reported that under the emergency the police had the right to seize automobiles if drivers made unnecessary noise.
But pro-government newspapers have sought to portray him as out of touch with the reality of Egypt, and lacking in political experience.
Sen's wife Ilina stated that he has been isolated from the world during his year of imprisonment, with access to only pro-government newspaper.
The group did manage to produce the British Gazette, a pro-government newspaper published during the strike.
Articles today in pro-Government newspapers were full of complaints by legislators from the party that it had given away too much.