Critics have decried the show's pro-government stance, charging that it plays into the Egyptian government's agenda prior to the 2010 Egyptian parliamentary elections.
In retaliation for the party's pro-government stance, several members were assassinated by extremist militants during the war.
This led to criticisms that Tang may have a pro-government stance while performing his job in RTHK.
Yet liberals who point to the Internet to support a pro-government stance - at least in any conventional sense - are ignoring certain facts.
When Donald Tsang took over in November 2005, the party continued its generally pro-government stance.
Following the show's characterization, it skewed liberal, including numerous public works projects and pro-government stances (with the established exception of her hatred towards the Pawnee Library).
Additionally, his pro-government stance contributed to the his somewhat rising unpopularity.
Politically it adopted a pro-Government stance on many issues but has a pro-grassroots stance on livelihood and labour issues, such as demanding more measures to reduce unemployment.
The paper originally expressed a pro-government stance, but its political line soon shifted to better accord with popular sentiment among Rhinelanders, many of whom regarded the Prussian government in Berlin as an oppressive alien entity.
Although owned privately by a group of civil servants, the newspaper took a pro-government stance and had the support of senior government officials.