And let's make sure that there's pro-growth economic policies in place.
Decent wages are the great ignored issue in the government's search for 'pro-growth' policies.
"He will be a powerful voice for pro-growth policies and spending restraint."
Labor concessions, a minimal reliance on public debt, and tax reform helped to further a pro-growth policy.
Supply-side adherents say the economy needed the kind of lift a "pro-growth" policy can provide now more than ever before.
While everyone agrees more work needs to be done, the governor's pro-growth policies are helping Ohio turn things around.
I will continue to focus my efforts towards implementing pro-growth policies so our economy can recover and Americans can get back to work.
The Philippines doesn't have too many people, it has too few pro-growth policies.
I support pro-growth policies that connect our cities and towns.
Austerity must therefore be accompanied by pro-growth policies and measures.