And once the platform debate was resolved, it became apparent that we could now go to a big-tent candidate as opposed to a particularly Southern candidate to shore up the pro-life forces.
The abortion debate has gotten murkier in recent years as pro-life forces have shifted their strategy.
This new fuzziness shows how successful pro-life forces have been in limiting abortion rights one restriction at a time.
With the completely symbolic "partial birth" victory in hand, the pro-life forces will hubristically rush toward their actual goal - to ban most of the 99 percent-plus other abortions.
The pro-life forces have done little to help prevent unwanted pregnancies, even though that is why most abortions are performed.
All pro-life forces are now looking to President Reagan.
I didn't anticipate that the platform would be taken over by fringe, pro-life forces and, for now, it is not possible to cure the defect of being out-organized here.
Despite Thea's apparent physical barrenness, she is a fertile, pro-life force, while Hedda, with all her physical fertility is a barren vessel.
"The pro-life forces have gone too far in the effort to make the release of funds a pro-life issue," he asserted.
You say pro-life forces "are now finding it more productive to chip away at a woman's right to choose."