He was also a signatory of a letter to President George Bush and Florida Gov. Jeb Bush by national pro-life leaders.
The manual had previously been published only anonymously, and mailed anonymously to pro-life leaders and news reporters.
He is a pro-life leader on abortion issues and an opponent to experimentation on human embryonic stem cells.
A large number of pro-life leaders and groups condemned the killing.
"The media invented Paul Hill as a pro-life leader so that with broad brush strokes they could paint all of Christendom with his wild-eyed lunacy."
He was still frequently traveling and maintaining correspondence with pro-life leaders around the globe.
I don't know of a single pro-life leader who would punish the mother.
What experiences have pro-choice and pro-life leaders and senators and congresspeople personally had with abortion?
The Christian magazine World named Stanek one of the 30 most prominent pro-life leaders during the thirty years following Roe v. Wade.
NRLC held a nationwide meeting of pro-life leaders in Chicago in 1970 at Barat College.