A pro-Western government of the former legal opposition came to power.
The election of a pro-Western, reformist government in late 1998 further boosted close ties between the countries.
We must act, not just talk, against any Milosevic attempt to overthrow its pro-Western government.
By contrast, Georgia, led by a pro-Western government, will pay $235.
The pro-Western government in Kabul looks increasingly powerless and irrelevant.
Hungary had also signed a "friendship treaty" with Yugoslavia, the only pro-Western government of the region.
Jordan's pro-business and pro-Western government has created incentives and free trade zones to spur further economic growth.
All were accused of trying to topple the pro-Western Government and replace it with an Islamic state.
But a pro-Western government in East Berlin will make Moscow's case harder to maintain.
The first regime change we see could be in Jordan and Pakistan, where pro-Western governments have a fragile hold on angry populations.