"It doesn't mean that we don't want proactive programs to take guns off the street."
"Since 1992, New York City has had a proactive and demonstrably successful program to reduce lead exposures in the drinking water delivered to some eight million consumers."
We need to deliver innovative, proactive programs and services for helping re-employ our job seekers.
The Strategic Plan set out a number of proactive grantmaking programmes, called Initiatives, which were:
Gertz makes the claim that more high-level attention is needed, as well as more resources, better leadership and proactive programs.
A proactive programme of monitoring or inspection needs, in other words, to be informed by the experience of the officer: 'A lot of sampling is so unnecessary.
The tribute honors Kmart for the most well-developed, proactive program in the areas of charity, community Development, Diversity, philanthropy, and associate development.
Redmond has developed "Out of Bounds," a proactive program for athletes deemed potentially violent.
With proactive programs of inoculating local cattle, the population of Gaur is again on the rise.
More commonly, institutions do not have such proactive programs in place.