More recent systems have often worked on a probabilistic approach, based on parallel corpora.
In case it is not possible to predict with certainty what will be the outcome of a particular decision, a probabilistic approach is necessary.
In this "probabilistic" approach it would be desirable also to obtain some results on the goodness of an obtained estimate.
A probabilistic approach is used to assign labels to vertices.
Both a rule-based system and a probabilistic approach have been explored.
The probabilistic approach proved to be much better suited to the task.
A straight comparison between the generative and the probabilistic approach is unfair for a number of reasons.
Also, when successful, the rule-based system produced a much deeper analysis of the input than the probabilistic approach.
The probabilistic approach is to view measurements as an instance of a stochastic process.
When using a probabilistic approach to design, the designer no longer thinks of each variable as a single value or number.