"People don't have a natural feeling for probabilistic terms," he said.
As Dr. Albert pointed out, Wigner framed the process in strict mathematical and probabilistic terms.
Since the bottleneck method is framed in probabilistic rather than statistical terms, we first need to estimate the underlying probability density at the sample points .
In probabilistic terms, quantum operations may be sub-Markovian.
It is only described in probabilistic terms.
Stochastic models - recognize that many elements of the diffusion process are unknown but explicitly incorporate probabilistic terms.
The fractional chromatic number can equivalently be defined in probabilistic terms.
"It's more correct to speak in probabilistic terms," said Mr. Beck.
The fundamental role of uncertainty and noise implies that ideal observers must be defined in probabilistic (statistical) terms.
Alabama at Birmingham essentially needed to "roll a six" to beat Kentucky, and in probabilistic terms this is precisely what happened.