It is the probable birthplace of the composer Giovanni Gentile.
Modern scholarship regards Moorstown Castle in the parish of Inishlounaght, Tipperary, as his probable birthplace.
The burial ground is a few miles from Genghis Khan's probable birthplace, in 1162, and near where he was proclaimed emperor of all the Mongols in 1206.
Sheshet received his education at Narbonne, his probable birthplace, afterward he lived at Barcelona, and later at Saragossa, in which city he died.
Eaglesfield was the probable birthplace of Robert de Eglesfield (c.1295-1349), founder of The Queen's College, Oxford.
It is the probable birthplace of the famous theologian, Meister Eckhart.
William Boyd Dawkins wrote that the tropical region of Asia was "the probable birthplace of the human race".
Swat is thought to be the probable birthplace of Vajrayana Buddhism.
He received his education at Narbonne, his probable birthplace; afterward he lived at Barcelona, and later at Saragosa, in which city he died about 1209.
His byname comes from his probable birthplace: Landen, modern Belgium.