Others have commented that he grew up quickly on-screen and eventually become a problematic character.
Some problematic characters remain in this society who do not fit in because they stay focused on the qualitative (use values).
While Guinevere remains unlikeable throughout this book, Lancelot is a more problematic character.
Once exposed to the sunlight of democratic debate, their problematic character becomes clear to all.
That, of course, was the challenge, for it was in his letters that the poet's difficult and problematic character most vividly revealed itself.
This may be the "terrifying and problematic character of existence" that Nietzsche referred to.
Convicts are the most problematic characters, and not just because they make poor role models.
Dorian Hawkmoon is one of the less "problematic" characters Moorcock ever created a series around.
After Leonard quit the show the problematic character was killed off.