Lane (2005) traces the intellectual history through its different procedural approaches, especially as they relate to public participation.
The automata implementation of event-based systems was made with the help of the procedural approach to software development , hence the name "state-based programming".
Every runway used by IFR aircraft normally has a procedural approach defined and published.
At airports equipped with radar, procedural approaches normally are used only in the event of an aircraft suffering a radio failure, or for training purposes.
Likewise, a typical procedural approach might allow one aircraft to land every 5-10 minutes, whereas with radar can allow one landing every 90 seconds.
Hayes and Kowalski in Edinburgh tried to reconcile the logic-based declarative approach to knowledge representation with Planner's procedural approach.
Like earlier absorption policies, it adopted a procedural approach which assumed that the immigrants were broadly similar to the existing majority population of Israel.
This is a non procedural approach to making decisions based on the information inside the system which has been entered by the dumb terminal users the heads down data entry.
The procedural approach has another fringe benefit, one that helped bring about Spore's other major innovation.
The inadequate reference to national control plans and to the financing of ad hoc controls means that this procedural approach exposes companies to financial risk.