Instead polymorphism, inheritance, or procedural methods may be preferred.
In addition, procedures continue to evolve rapidly, so long follow-up data do not accurately reflect current procedural methods.
Many of these poets used procedural methods based on mathematical sequences and other logical organising devices to structure their poetry.
Although the object style still uses the procedural method to interface with the database at the low level, the example the procedural method is demonstrated.
Therefore, the procedural method should explicitly be stated in a study.
The item, presented by journalist Geraint Vincent claimed police had made little progress with their investigation, and questioned whether they were following correct procedural methods.
Well, Kai thought, he was within standard procedural methods to wait until they'd done a thorough survey of the site and assayed the yield.
Perhaps we should ask the Rules of Procedure Committee to look at the precise procedural methods we use here.
The main problem I should like to re-examine in this context is that of the procedural method.
IP Pascal's ability to use procedural methods to access all graphics functions means that there is no "cliff effect" for older programs.