They also tend to be more expensive, and, for procedural reasons, slower.
Most have been settled out of court or dismissed for procedural reasons.
At that time, the Court declined for procedural reasons to hear the case.
The study said denials for procedural reasons increased by 75 percent since 1980.
Then he insisted that the vote on the tax cut be delayed for procedural reasons.
For procedural reasons I'd need to bring at least two of my men.
We know and admit that this subject was not quite so urgent at first reading but there are now problems here for procedural reasons.
It is for procedural reasons that we are going down this path, without, as yet, stating a position on the subject matter.
So it seems to me that there are both procedural and other reasons why we should reverse the order of the vote.
We were not able to amend this document for procedural reasons.