In April 2012, Levin introduced a bill to reduce fines for street food vendors over procedural violations.
However this was discovered to be in procedural violation of the statutes of 1882.
It was removed shortly afterwards, however, the reason given being "procedural violations."
More generally, a substantial procedural violation is "an objective deficiency affecting the entire proceedings".
This decision was later overturned due to procedural violations and leave to stay as a religious leader was granted three years later, in 1984.
As a result of procedural violations, the cemetery was tied up in litigation for many years.
Citing procedural violations, they won a new trial.
The prosecutor praised the decision, saying there had been "significant procedural violations" during the trial.
The film portrays the intense bureaucracy that existed in Polish government services at the time, with the people being turned away for various procedural violations.
International observers reported procedural violations in the Majlis voting.