Chisholm explains that since these two developments proceeded largely independently, there is a need to show how one can be applied to the other.
But so far, development in the suburbs around New York City is still proceeding largely along traditional lines - filling and building.
The invasion proceeded largely peacefully, since the Swiss people failed to respond to the calls of their politicians to take up arms.
The election proceeded largely without incident, although three small bombs were exploded in Caracas, injuring one police officer.
Subsequent reforms proceeded largely along the lines he had proposed.
At first, the companies plan to proceed largely as they would have under their earlier joint venture.
He proceeds largely from historical, rather than personal, evidence: here are the fruits of Christianity, and here is what one finds in its absence".
As a result India's nuclear power programme proceeds largely without fuel or technological assistance from other countries.
For that reason, the state might decide that accepting the settlement is more palatable than proceeding largely on its own.
Deep excavation at the site was completed in August 1977 and construction of the station then proceeded largely in an open pit.