The process achieved 250 welded spots per minute with 6 kW of laser power.
The unbundling and privatization process of the 1990s did not achieve the expected objectives, resulting in very little generation capacity added to the system.
Other processes, such as fast-track legislation, have taken the place of the legislative veto and achieved the same effects.
The process achieved relatively low temperatures and was not successful with steel.
The table below demonstrates the process for a promising practice to achieve the status of research validated best practice.
"However, we believe that this process will not achieve its goal because the majority of Sunni Muslims will never change their faith", he added.
These processes most often achieve a smooth transition through interpolation.
You need a process to achieve them.
We must all hope that, despite great odds, the process now under way will achieve a fruitful and mutually satisfactory outcome, however long it takes.
Members have therefore rightly drawn attention to what the present legislative process will achieve as we move towards a Single Sky.