Mimetic processes do not just relate to other people.
The process as described above relates to Ecuador, and all varieties are found in the country to some extent.
The processes, formats and titles of the paintings also relate to her interest in material culture.
A process relates (connects) to the change of state.
This process is highly related to compassion because of the fact that sympathizing with others is possible with people from different countries, cultures, locations, etc.
The target organism ceases all processes related to maturation or reproduction.
It displays how the processes relate to each other in a flow, with the conversion of raw material to finished goods.
They then showed how these processes related to the elimination of dominated strategies.
Hoesli relates this process to the Socratic method, in which students are constantly faced with important questions and debates.
Later, the process very much relates to, and is based on, the national legislation and Euratom legislation.