The other areas may process other types of emotional memory.
This accidental experiment showed scientists how the brain processes different types of memory.
In other cases, where each thread is processing different types of operations, the replay system will not interfere, and a performance increase can appear.
The libraries in Android are collections of instructions the device follows when processing different types of data.
One of the major contributions of these chips was the ability to process both speech and other types of noises in real time.
When the body cannot process certain types of mucopolysaccharides, they build up or are eliminated, causing various symptoms.
It has the flexibility to process other types of Middle East crude oil.
With margins squeezed, most have been reluctant to invest in the equipment needed to process other types of oil from Russia, Mexico and beyond.
It is able to process special types of cargo such as those requiring refrigeration, or those carrying live animals.
Teradata sells applications and software to process different types of data.