The Air Force is considering whether to take action against a procurement official who has been accused by Federal investigators of accepting illegal gratuities.
He is expected to recommend disciplinary action against three generals and a former procurement official.
They are suspicious of new things being foisted on them by procurement officials, and there is historical basis for this distrust.
The best will be presented to senior procurement officials across Government in a dedicated 'dragon's den' style product surgery next month .
Assess the reasonableness of the schedule through discussions with procurement officials and reviews of project progress.
However, American procurement officials were not interested in acquiring yet another 5.56 mm service rifle.
He said that the resignation of the ranking procurement official does not mean new legislation is needed.
The case of David Safavian, the White House's top federal procurement official, comes to mind.
Even where corporate procurement officials favor traditional white suppliers, many blacks see cronyism, rather than racism.
"The jury is still out on some of the larger programs," said Mrs. Spector, the procurement official.