And after buying homes, cars, refrigerators and other big-ticket items at a prodigious pace for the past several years, consumers could be expected to take a break.
And as several sluggers bang out home runs at a prodigious pace, they endure constant comparisons with Ruth, who, whatever the record book says, remains the heart's champion.
That was in the Tax Reform Act of 1986, which closed tax loopholes at a prodigious pace while slashing tax rates on earned income.
After starting slowly, both players start to bang out homers at a prodigious pace.
The elves traveled north at a prodigious pace, eating up the miles, and soon they had entered the southern portion of the Khalkist Mountains.
Lately, however, some historians have begun to wonder about the toll of his prodigious pace.
While he developed his playing skills, Seymour's knowledge of how guitars work developed at an equally prodigious pace.
The next thing she knew was that she was travelling across the desert in the grasp of a machine which sped at a prodigious pace towards the south.
He watched a bright speck tearing towards them and covering the successive lines of dunes at a prodigious pace.
The prodigious pace has produced some grumbling that her extended stay seemed a waste of time and money.