And not even his prodigious research into the writings of Gennifer Flowers has much news value by now.
He has done prodigious historical research and much resourceful reporting.
She also displays prodigious research, as well as a deep understanding of the forces that conspired to create bluegrass.
It rests on prodigious research in archival and oral history sources.
While impressive, the prodigious research that went into the book will likely generate a few disputes about primacy; such books usually do.
So his particular brand of reductionism requires not just prodigious research but also good instincts for anecdotal detail.
The book suffers from two problems that distract attention from the author's prodigious research.
First, despite prodigious research, their brilliant ideas can go awry.
Much of her prodigious research is new.
Her entertaining and emotionally wrought production is the result of prodigious research.