Still, it was a prodigious task.
The Navy was performing a prodigious task.
He chose Richard for the prodigious task of memorizing the entire book.
Judge Lance A. Ito told the defense lawyers this morning: "What you have presented to me with regards to these tapes and transcripts is a very prodigious task.
A Prodigious Task By all accounts, Mr. Watkins failed at first to appreciate the prodigious task facing him.
Assembly requires comparing each DNA fragment to the 10 million others and will be a prodigious calculating task, expected to take Celera's supercomputer about 3 months.
It is obviously a prodigious task for an actress/singer to distill the contradictions of the tragic Holiday mystique.
It bad been a prodigious task, but she cared nothing for how many men or bow much time it consumed.
Mr. Law visits the set of each "American Playhouse" film, a prodigious task for which he travels - and talks on the phone - prodigiously.
In addition to planning and editing, he read the entire Dictionary in proof, a prodigious task for one man.