Philipp Lenard, though, did not realize that he was producing X-rays.
The collisions produce X-rays, a higher energy form of light.
Fire a high energy electron beam at a metal target and bremsstrahlung effect produces intense X-rays.
"To produce such hard X-rays, it must be very, very hot."
Cornell University is now trying to build one to produce X-rays.
If electrons are accelerated to produce X-rays then a water cooled tungsten target is used.
The violence of stars blowing themselves apart, or gas being torn to shreds as it is pulled into a black hole, will produce copious X-rays.
The seeds produce low-level X-rays that destroy tumors from the inside.
In his research, Tesla devised several experimental setups to produce X-rays.
The laser technology must compete with technology that uses particle accelerators to produce X-rays.