Structural changes in nerves and muscles are due to a massive influx of sodium ions, which produces osmotic alterations.
In animals, the injection of lanthanum solutions produces hyperglycemia, low blood pressure, degeneration of the spleen and hepatic alterations.
The sixteen-member commission changed nearly half of the Constitution's articles, producing several significant alterations.
For instance, environmental events can produce alterations in the brain levels of neurotransmitters, particularly serotonin and norepinephrine (see Akiskal, 1979).
It is an active cause, by which some particular parts of nature, we find, produce alterations on other parts.
This category encompasses all those substances that produce distinct alterations in perception, sensation of space and time, and emotional states.
Committee members were particularly concerned by the fact that the present maximum dosages of paracetamol had been shown to produce alterations in hepatic function.
The firm worked exclusively in the Gothic style, and produced many buildings, alterations and furnishings for the Roman Catholic Church.
Alien organisms might have left remnants containing peculiar suites of molecules or produced distinctive geochemical alterations like unusual mineral deposits.
In the same manner, pressure on the eyeball produced alterations of visual perceptions.