The saw mill produces amongst other things high quality replicas for restoration projects.
Thus postdramatic theatre is more striving to produce an effect amongst the spectators than to remain true to the text.
In one group a discussion on referral procedures may produce a lessening of resentment amongst senior staff.
This produced mixed reactions amongst some officers, who did not approve of his showmanship.
He produced scores of 10-5 in the first two tournaments of 2009, the best record amongst his fellow ōzeki.
Also many Polls produced widespread support for tax hikes to increase revenue , even amongst the rich!
The mandate "should produce greater unity amongst social and environmental agencies, so that the concept of 'environment for development' becomes a reality.
It produces the rather well-known product Vegeta, amongst thousands of other products in its diverse catalogue.
I realise that even these efforts, strenuous though they are, will not produce total satisfaction amongst some honourable Members.
He produced many fine new cultivars, amongst them being: