The pledges will mean higher costs in the near future for cars, heat and electricity, and a rush to produce more efficient machines and appliances.
The area produces electronics, appliances, and processed food.
In 1959, Colombo had to take over the family company, which produced electric appliances, and started to experiment with new construction and production technologies.
New Company is specialized to produce various domestic appliances, in particular, refrigerators and laundry washers based on the cutting-edge technologies.
Ratier begins to produce toys, electrical appliances and telephones.
For years, the Federal Government has been requiring manufacturers to produce more efficient appliances.
Around 1925 the factory also produces radios, and other electrical appliances under the name Graetzor.
Economic regulators want tighter standards for manufacturers to produce more efficient cars and appliances.
The worst crunch takes place around November, when the company is producing appliances for the busy Christmas season.
Their accuracy is crucial for producing indirect restorations and prosthetic appliances in the dental laboratory.