To his surprise, the plants - which produce pink, white or red blossoms all summer - behaved as described.
The plant keeps producing blossoms and fruit but not much new foliage.
Bulbs include a variety of plants that produce beautiful, colorful blossoms.
The island's blue mahoe an endemic hibiscus, produces beautiful yellow and red blossoms.
These long, elegant trees typically wait 8 to 20 years to produce blossoms, holding off until a tree has reached a height of some 30 feet.
This delicate flowering cherry tree produces tiny white blossoms which are pink in bud, between November and March.
Some vines produce edible crops as well as blossoms.
Yet it sent out some new shoots below the central crotch, and they, too, produced blossoms this spring.
It produces fragrant white blossoms that are followed by bright red berries, each containing a shiny black seed.
Even if the weather cooperates, zinnias need to be cut continually to produce sideshoots and further blossoms.