The Tree onion produces bulbs instead of flowers and seeds, which can be planted directly in the ground.
Some varieties of A. cepa such as shallots and potato onions produce multiple bulbs.
Young plants are killed and older ones produce soft bulbs.
Some daffodils regularly produce bulbs with one, two, three or more noses.
Another example of productivity increases with a new process is a new, mechanized factory producing light bulbs that started operating in 1925.
The plants in this group are typical perennial flowers which are producing bulbs.
(Planted bulbils produce bulbs, but it usually takes three years.)
Some daffodils, especially species and miniatures, practically never produce bulbs with multiple noses.
Only the last one produces always secondary aerial bulbs (bulbils) in the axils of the upper leaves.
"Gah," said Louis; but he instructed the bar, which produced bulbs of warm carrot juice.