He has produced several chairs working with Los Angeles fabricators, but explained that the design was "factory ready" if a manufacturer showed an interest.
Jean Avisse (1723 - 1796 in Paris) produced chairs, sofas, chaises and similar furniture in 18th century France.
By 1860, a score of German families had settled on the site and were producing chairs and settees with spider web backs, like the two examples in the show.
Pron-alban, the shapers, who can alter materials and produce chairs from a single piece of wood or a fort from a mountain.
The company partners with small, family-owned businesses to produce their sofas, chairs, tables, office, bedroom, and outdoor furniture.
Perry: Texas leads the country in producing cheap chairs made by minimum-wage workers, and I'm incredibly proud of that.
By the early 1900's, Grand Rapids had produced enough tables, desks and chairs to be dubbed the Furniture City.
Meccano Tecnica was a company, based in Castenedolo, that produced furniture, chairs and plastic containers especially for televisions.
The art nouveau school produced chairs of simplicity.
Ray and Charles Eames produced child-size chairs and stools before making them for adults.