The workers were employed in a coal mine and also tended ovens that produced coke (fuel).
In order to improve the handling the coal was initially treated as wood in kilns to produce coke.
The town's economy includes several industrial facilities producing coke, chemicals, biochemicals, toys and power.
It initially produced coke, pig iron castings and long products.
Coal can be dry-distilled (heated in high temperature in a place where there is no oxygen) to produce coke.
The term carbonization is also applied to the pyrolysis of coal to produce coke.
It has also developed indigenous and environment-friendly technology for producing high quality metallurgical coke.
The mine was soon to develop as it produced high quality Anthracite suitable for producing coke.
Starting in 1857, charcoal piles were used to produce coke.
The new coke battery includes more powerful ovens producing coke of the highest quality.