Van den Boom works mainly with photographs, although he has also produced collages and sculptures.
At this time he also produced collages of various objects and experimented with different materials.
He also produced collages of objets trouvés, as in Page Picture No. 1.
Mother Dwarf began her art career producing collages for ArtCrimes.
In the 1960's, he turned to sculpture and stayed with it during the 70's while producing collages at the same time.
In the past Dumas produced paintings, collages, drawings, prints and installations.
In 1971, he also produced typographical compositions, collages, and cut-up texts.
It was during this period that he began to produce collages, which some critics consider his strongest work.
They also become interested in arrangement and can produce simple collages of coloured paper, or place stones in patterns.
Early on, he worked on a small scale, producing collages no larger than his hand.